"Defining and Feeling Successful" (However you define success)

Formula For Success

The winners in this life know the rules of the game and have a plan. Whether you're looking to heal a relationship, get a new job, lose weight or find inner peace, consider these characteristics, which are common to people who succeed.


A young boy was with his father in a sweet /candy store. Amazed at all the goods on offer, he pressed his nose on the glass cabinet and marvelled at the selection on offer". Pretty soon the storekeeper asked the boy to "reach in to the jars and take what he wanted", a special treat on the storekeeper. Eyes a-wide he remained motionless and speechless! "Go on son, dig in and take your pick", but the son remained unmoved once again. Embarrassed, the father reached up and took a handful and gave it to the storekeeper to wrap. After showing their appreciation the father and son journeyed home. "Son, why didn't you take the candy on offer when asked to do so"? The son looked his father in the eye and replied, "Because your hands are bigger than mine, dad".

All too often we face the options available to us in life with the same sort of amazement, and reluctance. To make the right choices, we need to reach into the candy jar and trust that our hands may not be as big as our father's hands, but it is a start.


Champions get what they want because they know what they want.

They have a vision that keeps them motivated and efficiently on track. They see it, feel it, and experience it in their minds and hearts. What is success for you? You won't get there without knowing what it feels and looks like.


People who consistently win have a clear and thoughtful strategy.

They know what they need to do and when they need to do it. They write it down so they stay on course, and avoid any alternative that does not get them closer to the finish line.


Are you excited to get up in the morning? People with a passion are, and they're energized about what they are doing.

You need to live and breathe what it is that you want, and be passionately invested in both the journey and the goal.


People who consistently win have no room in their lives for denial, fantasy or fiction.

They are self-critical rather than self-deluding, and they hold themselves to high but realistic standards. They deal with the truth, since they recognize that nothing else will make their vision obtainable.


Life is not a success-only journey. Even the best-laid plans sometimes must be altered and changed.

Be open to input and consider any potentially viable alternative. Be willing to be wrong and be willing to start over.


People who consistently win are willing to get out of their comfort zone and try new things.

Be willing to take the plunge into the unknown if necessary, and leave behind the tried and tested (which is our comfort zone), the un-challenged, and familiar existence in order to grow more. (dads hands are bigger than mine)


Surround yourself with a group of people who want you to succeed.

They will move with you toward your goal. Choose and bond with people who have skills, talents and abilities that you do not. Winners give and receive by being part of other people's nuclear groups.


Do it! People who succeed don't just sit and think about what they want to do.

They take meaningful, purposeful, directional action consistently and persistently. Every step they take puts them toward the outcome they're looking for.


People who are consistent winners manage their challenges in hierarchical fashion.

They commit to managing their time in such a way that does not allow them to spend time grinding along on priority number two or three if priority number one needs their attention.


People who consistently win consciously and pointedly take care of themselves as individuals.

They are the most important resource they have in achieving their goals. They actively manage their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health.

The old adage of "fail to plan = plan to fail" rings so true in any area of life. Success has persistence as its guide. Perhaps the single most important factor in a successful persons life, is self-discipline. Observe the daily routine of an individual, and you can quickly determine their probable outcome. In my book Seven steps to empowerment, I outline The secret of success is found in the daily routine or habits.

All the information in the world will not initiate anything. Even a dictionary with all its definition on words cannot initiate conversation. All the ideas I have within these pages will not initiate your dreams but they will motivate you to action.

Tony Mckeown is a personal life coach and director of coaching 4 life New Zealand. He has a passion for empowering people to find their life mission and purpose.

He has authored training manuals, motivational rticles,numerous e-books and regularly hosts international tele-classes and conferences on vision. His practical approach to spirituality and leadership development are key qualities organisations seek him to impart. His clients are world-wide and can be contacted online.

His free monthly newsletter "get a life",is by subscription and provides free motivational downloads from his coaching site: http://www.coaching4life.net.nz

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