10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace - Wayne Dyer Book Mini-Review

Dr. Wayne Dyer published his best-selling book, "10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace" and it's an easy read. It's the type of book that you can crack open and find nuggets on pretty much every page you open it to.

Unlike books that give specific advice about actions you could take to achieve success, Dr. Dyer doesn't share any advice on goal-setting, planning your future, or how to listen to older folks who have been there, done that. Instead, he wrote the book to help folks avoid feelings of inadequacy or inner remorse for not having listened to their inner guidance. While the book does have discussion around becoming a greater 'success' in life, perhaps it's more appropriate to say that the book is about finding your own 'inner peace' moreso than success itself.

As I read his book, I couldn't help thinking that the 10 secrets are really reminders of what we already know to be true. Most people turn into autonomous robots going through the daily routine of life without giving any thoughts or meditation to slow down enough to listen to their own inner voice.

Some of Dr. Dyer's ten principles include:

"Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended"

One takeaway that I took from the book that is worth sharing: When I first read the book, there must have been at least 10 times that I read something that I wished someone else in my life would better understand.

Example: On Page 110, Dr. Dyer says, "Stop Looking for Occasions to Be Offended" and I immediately thought of someone else that I know who is easily offended or looks to be offended daily.

A few years later, I came to understand that this message was for me to understand (and not for others I thought 'should' understand the concepts). Seems more important to be able to release our judgment of others who choose to become offended easily.

We each create our own personal experience and really only have full control over our own perceptions of reality. Conversely, we have very little control over others. Therefore, it's the work of the ego that encourages us to judge and compare what others do against what we think they should do. Not exactly the formula for 'inner peace.' Therefore one of the secrets Dr. Dyer encourages us to consider is that there are no justified resentments.


If you've been reading Dr. Wayne Dyer's self help books since the 1970's, you'll quickly realize that this book offers or reinforces many of the same messages he has been talking about for decades. Still, it would be hard to read this book and not take 10 things out of it before you finish the first chapter. The 10th secret is my favorite. The ISBN for "10 Secrets for Success and Inner Peace" is: 1561708755 and it's worth picking up if you don't already own it.

Resource Box:

Chris Knight is the moderator of the fan discussion board for Dr. Wayne Dyer: Wayne-Dyer.InspiresYOU.com -- He invites you to drop by, register for free, and join the discussion. It's by fans and for fans of Dr. Wayne Dyer, and as such, is not connected directly with Dr. Wayne Dyer.

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