The Magic of Dreaming

The approach of a new year usually causes us to pause, review the year that's passing into history, recount our victories, and consider some of our nagging near misses. What went right? Where did we fall short? Then we move on, looking into the future and formulating our New Year's Resolutions? or maybe not. Many of us have given up after failing to reach the desired ends we stated as resolutions year after year. Can we hope to have a different outcome in the coming year? Yes, we can! Here's how.

Think! Daydream! Go a little bit crazy! Give yourself permission to let go of reality for a time. Let down the boundaries you've been living within and look over the horizon with a wide-angle lens. You have the power within you right now to achieve anything you want to achieve, to become anything you want to become! How can you be satisfied with the status quo, the current state of things, when the world is filled with abundance and you have talents to be used? Dreams can be fleeting, fanciful ideas of optimum satisfaction or pleasure, or they can become raw material for the vision of life as you want it to be.

Most of us stop dreaming because we're locked into habits and thought patterns that we assumed as we were growing up, patterns like always looking for the one right answer. Admonitions such as "be logical," "be practical," and "don't rock the boat" have stifled our imaginations. Those admonitions may have been well intended, but they do not lead to creative thinking. Many people still believe that you have to be a little bit crazy to be creative!

Forget the restrictions. You are looking for possibilities. Look at audacious and outrageous, seemingly impossible ideas. Stretch your imagination. There will be time for evaluating the ideas later on. For now focus on the majesty and excitement of what might be. Do not be afraid to be outrageous. Dare to dream impossible dreams. Who's to say what is possible anyway?

Asking questions helps guide your imagination along specific paths. Lift your sights and look at those around you who are succeeding at what you would like to become. Look within your heart and ask yourself, why can't I?

Dreaming has the capacity to become a powerful force in your life. It can:

-- Generate positive expectations

-- Make change more acceptable

-- Boost self-confidence

-- Provide direction

-- Unlock energy

If you truly would like to stretch the possibilities of your life and establish more ambitious goals, then you must be bold enough to dream great dreams. There will never be a better time to begin than right now.

Jo Condrill is an acclaimed author, speaker, and consultant. From part-time worker in Texas to supervisor in the Pentagon in less than 10 years, Jo has walked her talk. Secretary of the Army, Togo West, presented her the highest civilian honor one can achieve, the US Army Decoration for Exceptional Civilian Service. Jo also led a Washington, DC District of Toastmasters to rank #1 in the world. She is the author of "Take Charge of Your Life: Dare to Pursue Your Dreams," "101 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills Instantly," and "From Book Signing to Best Seller: An Insider's Guide to Conducting a Successful Low-Cost Book Signing Tour." Jo shares her unique experiences in seminars and speeches on leadership, team building, personal development, and success strategies. Http://

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