Quick Steps To Make This Your Best Year Yet

Looking for a way to make this year your best ever?

Edward W. Smith, motivational speaker, author and TV show host, who specializes in quick tips on how to move your life ahead even faster, offers the following advice.

First, decide that this year will be your best year ever!! Create positive expectations for the year and set your mind on a search for ways to make it happen. Next, ask yourself what exactly would have to happen to make this your best year ever? Exactly how much money do you have to make? What has to happen in your personal life? Then, outline what are the best things that can happen to you this year, and also outline what are the worst things that could happen to you this year. Next, take your list of the best things that could happen to you this year and turn them into goals, and the steps needed to achieve them. Then take your list of the worst things that could happen to you and look at what is in your control to prevent them from happening and set up steps to do it. Finally, make plans to celebrate having had your best year ever.

Contact Information Edward W. Smith, 201-568-0019, edsmith@brightmoment.com, www.brightmoment.com, PO box 8106, Englewood NJ 07631-8106

Copyright Edward W. Smith 2005

Edward W. Smith is the author of Sixty Seconds To Success, hosts and produces the Bright Moment TV show, is a motivational speaker, is president of the Bright Moment Seminars, and publishes a free, daily, email of the One Minute Motivator.

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