The Secret Key (Part 1): An Overwhelming Purpose

Imagine that you are in a dimly-lit room. You don't know how you ended up here, but you are now in it and you are trying to find your way out of it. You see a door to your right side and walk up towards it. Right before your eyes, the top corner of the door starts to get blurry and you can see something like letters starting to materialize. It's not clear at first, but suddenly the words are sharp and vivid and it reads "SUCCESS". Pushing the door open doesn't work and it feels like it's stuck. You try to push it some more and it still doesn't open. You start to move your hands on the door to see whether there is a knob that you can turn. As you are feeling your way on the door, you realize that there is a lock. Success is something you truly want to achieve and it's right there on the other side of the door. You now need the key. Panic sets in and you frantically crawl around the room looking for the key to this door you need to get through. After what seems like hours you sit down in the corner mourning your misfortune. Reaching into your pocket for your handkerchief to wipe off your sweat, you feel something in your pocket. It feels like a?.. Yes! Yes! It is the key! You are now secure and the only thing between you and success is the action that you need to take to put the key into the lock, turning it, and then walking through the door.

Readers, I know what you are thinking. "Life is not like that!" "It's not that simple!" "How I wish the key was with me!" We are all looking for success but we haven't found that key that can take us there. We believe the key is somewhere else; in our circumstances, in other people, in our position, or in the friends we know, but not in us. If you are looking outside for success or hoping that it is going to come to you, let me tell you up front that you are looking in vain because THE KEY IS WITH YOU. You have this key at all times. It's just that we are looking at the wrong place for the key. Before reaching success, the one fact that you will need to always keep in mind is that the key is with you!

The key that is within you that will set you on the path to success is DESIRE. Desire is not a negative sin that we should get rid of, but rather something that you truly need in order to get through the door of success. You need to have a desire and then convert this desire into an overwhelming purpose for your life. It has been said by many teachers in the personal development field that you cannot hit a target that you don't see. Millions of people today are not looking to create an overwhelming purpose for themselves that they can reach and work towards and then wonder why nothing is happening to them. There are other obstacles to creating this desire as well.

One of the main obstacles that stop people from creating a purpose for themselves is fear. How many times have we heard from those "well meaning" people that it's better not to have high hopes so that we won't feel bad when we don't get it? They are right in a way, but we have generalized their sentence to a lot of other areas. It is true that you shouldn't have high hopes. You should on the other hand develop high expectations! It's easy for many people to hope they'll be successful one day, but how many people can truly say that they expect to be successful one day? You have to learn to expect a lot from life because what you expect you will one day get! I don't understand how this works but it does! Everyone who has ever wanted anything in their lives and have received it started off with turning it into a desire, expecting it to happen, and then working towards creating it. Hopes don't move people into action; expectations do!

We have to realize that this fear instilled in us is not something that will serve us. No one in this world understands what they are capable of doing until they have the opportunity to use their power. The powers that we have within us are innumerable and limitless! We focus more on our weaknesses and end up being paralyzed with fear. We have to start learning to expect success and trust in the law that whatever we transform into a burning desire will one day show up in the material world if we shed our fears, develop plans, and then take action on turning that burning desire into a reality in our world.

The key has been with us all along. It's still with us waiting to be used. How long are you going to wait for circumstances to change? How long are you going to sit there and hope something comes your way? How long are you going to crawl and hide in the world knowing that if you want anything it has to be created by you? The key is with you. Develop a desire and know that it can and will come true. It has come true for millions using this method, why won't it come true for you?

What if you can't figure out a desire? Well, to answer that question stay tuned for the next installment of this article where you will learn how to create a burning desire from its very beginnings in order to expect a compelling future for yourself!

Sukhbir Singh is the Founder and Seminar Leader of LifeApps! Personal Development International based in Bangkok, Thailand. He also coaches clients in the areas of eliminating fear, conquering procrastination, and creating an overwhelming purpose. He currently has personal coaching clients in Bangkok, and e-coaching clients in the U.S. and Canada.

He has developed a weekend seminar which will be available for the first time in October in Thailand called The Create Your Purpose Weekend which is meant to help people to become more effective and goal-oriented by creating a purpose for themselves and creating and living the life that they want to live!

For more information on
1. how to become a client
2. Create Your Purpose Weekend Seminar
send an email to

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