How The Right Questions Can Change Your Life

Your own pressing needs, your long-standing frustrations, would benefit tremendously if you asked an absolute question, a high-quality how question.

If you were to follow up this question with absolute commitment, patience, and discipline your perception would expand to allow more information into your mind. You will find a way to stretch your belief-system to allow more possibilities. You will find creative answers. And, of course, you will find the courage and conviction to follow through with your insights.

The right question will solve your problem. You are always asking questions and answering them; this is part of your internal dialogue, casually referred to as thinking. But real thinking is asking a quality question and expecting an answer. It is sticking with the question until the right answer appears in consciousness.

To ask is to receive. One creates the other. If you ask good questions, you'll receive good answers. If, for example, financial pressure is one of your issues, you might be tempted to ask, why am I so poor? The problem with this question is that you'll find reasons to justify your poverty. If, instead, you ask, how can I become rich? you'll look for ways to increase your skill, you'll dig deep to find your talents, or you'll learn ways to manage your money.

Above all, remind yourself of the famous words of playwright George Bernard Shaw: "Some men see things as they are and say 'why?' I dream of things that never were and say 'why not?'"

"Questions," noted Success Coach Anthony Robbins, "set off a processional effect that has an impact beyond our imaginations."

When we question our limitations, we see how they're only assumed limitations. When we question the nature of things, we birth science or art. And when we ask absolute, high-quality questions, we break down personal and collective barriers to comprehension, and we open up avenues to progressive action and fundamental change.

Saleem Rana got his Masters degree in psychotherapy from California Lutheran University. His articles on the internet have inspired over ten thousand people from around the world. Discover how to create a remarkable life

Copyright 2004 Saleem Rana. Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends, or use it in your ezine or newsletter. It's a shareware article.

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