10 Tips on How to Get the Best from Changing Situations

It can be great to do something new 'for a change', when it's your choice. It's fun then. But when it comes up on you from out of the blue, when you're least expecting it, it's something very different. So, here are a few things you can do.

  • Accept How You Feel
    How you feel is OK. Whoever is going through this change experience would feel the way you do, whether it is angry, sad, frustrated etc. all the emotions are acceptable. It is OK in the moment to feel the way you do.
  • Sleep on it
    Avoid being hasty about anything - let it sink in. The better news will be tomorrow - after you have had time for it to stew a little. Your right brain will kick in - and then you can get creative!
  • See Through the Emotion
    Here you can combine the facts that you have - and be very honest and realistic here, with the possibilities. What opportunities could this present?
  • Think Big Picture
    At this point you can see the micro-environment - how it might affect you and what a difference it might make to your life. But, what if whatever happened was going to be OK. What could you use out of this experience to help you go wherever you might want to in the future? Taking a pro-active position on this will make a BIG difference.
  • Create a Plan
    At the beginning this will be very sketchy, but how about creating a plan of how you can utilise the change to create a better more fulfilling life for yourself. As Benjamin Franklin said 'Out of adversity truly comes opportunity'.
  • Remember Where You Are Right Now
    Be honest about the life you have - it is probably not that bad - so every change you have experienced in your life has been got through so far. Maybe there have been a few ups and downs, but you've probably been at least OK - so this gives you the chance to be at least OK - and new possibilities too! In fact, you might even be ahead!
  • Be Strategic
    In your plan, which looks to the future, use the changes you are experiencing to your advantage. Look out for opportunities that might crop up which work for you. Be aware and creative in what you do and where you look.
  • Celebrate
    When you are going through this, find moments of success - and celebrate that you are in control - you are being creative, positive and capable. It is worth the celebration.
  • Look for Change
    Prepare for change all the time and utilise the new skills (which you would not have had if you had not experienced change) to respond in your interests in future. You might even be constructive in generating changes for yourself.
  • Share
    Share your positive experiences with others. Using this pro-active way of dealing with change is radical and new - share your success with and therefore help others.

    It's your life, and you can be as you would like. And change can re-energise you is so many ways. Let yourself free to play with the opportunities it can bring.

    Martin Haworth is a Business and Management Coach. He works worldwide, mainly by phone, with small business owners, managers and corporate leaders. He has hundreds of hints, tips and ideas at his website, http://www.coaching-businesses-to-success.com. (Note to editors. Feel free to use this article, wherever you think it might be of value - it would be good if you could include a live link)

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