Ten, Humourous, Power Attitudes

The ability to achieve our enormous untapped potential is directly related to the attitudes we possess. Positive attitudes empower us to achieve while negative attitudes tend to keep us rooted where we are.

A Harvard study followed a group of graduates over an extended period of time and found that 85% of what they achieved in the areas of wealth and position was the result of attitude while 15% was the result of aptitude.

I think the message is clear. Change your negative attitudes to positive and great things begin to happen.

Here are a few stories of people with power attitudes. I hope that in reading them you will begin to see that your life can be more enjoyable and productive by committing to a change of attitude.

* Walt Disney once said, " Never forget that all this started with a mouse."

* The great thing about being old is that you can sing in the bathroom while brushing your teeth.

* Anyone who says that money can't buy happiness just doesn't know where to shop.

* If a cat could speak it would probably say, " Hey, I don't see a problem here."

* Thomas Edison once remarked, " I haven't failed ten thousand times. I have successfully discovered ten thousand ways that didn't work."

* On older woman looking in the mirror was heard to remark," Isn't it wonderful that wrinkles don't hurt?"

* We can all learn a great deal from the young, beautiful, confident nurse who deducted ten beats per minute from the pulse of every one of her male patients.

* After examining the knee of an 80 year old patient, the doctor concluded that the pain she was experiencing was simply due to age. The patient looked at the doctor and said, " But my other knee is the same age and it doesn't hurt."

* I like the story of the 85 year old woman who, upon looking into the mirror at her wrinkled face, remarked, " They sure don't make mirrors like they used to."

* When Agatha Christie was asked how she like being married to an archeologist she replied, that it was wonderful because the older she got the more interested in her he became.

As I say in my talks on the power of a positive attitude, Change your attitude and you will change your life. Remember that we are the products of the attitudes we possess. Good luck.

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Mike Moore is an international speaker and writer on human potential, motivation and humour.

Mike Moore is an international speaker on Humor and Stress Management, Humor in the Workplace and Humor and Human Potential. His articles and cartoons have appeared in publications throughout Canada and the U.S.A.

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