Feng Shuei To Attract Money

The first thing that you need to do is get yourself a good compass and determine what is in the southeastern corner of your home. The Southeastern sector of your home governs both your cash flow as well as your faith in the idea that you will always be able to create money.

According to the classic and traditional rules of Feng Shui (the ancient art of object placement to increase good energy in your life) the items that you place in this part of your should be things that align with the energies of personal abundance.

Things that Create Prosperity:

The colors purple, red and green. These three colors support prosperity energy in a space. A pleasant still life to attract this energy is a pretty glass bowl containing a purple amethyst, a red carnelian and a green piece of jade. You also might want to consider painting this corner one of these colors or using purple, red and green lighting in this corner. An easy way to enhance the color value in this corner is to purchase a lava lamp in purple, red or green. The great thing about a lava lamp is that it also moves, and in Feng Shui, anything electronic or moving helps keep the money circulating in your life.

Symbols of wealth: Actual money and gold objects are good to display in this area of your house. A bowl of foreign or antique coins can also augment this sector. You can also find statues of "gold ingots" to your local China Town A wonderful statue to place in this area is of a Prosperity Buddha lifting a gold ingot over his head. You might also want to consider placing a gold or green statue of a Chinese Money Toad (this is a three legged statue of a frog or toad with a coin in it's mouth) or a statue of leaping goldfish

Fake Money. This is the place to put that fake million-dollar bill you got in a novelty store in a frame and hang it. Some people even keep monopoly money in this area as a symbol of their circulating prosperity. A bowl of foreign coins can also be placed here to magnetize wealth into your life.

Fountain. This is one the two best places in the entire bagua to place a flowing fountain. The other is your Career sector. Flowing water represents the flowing of money. The Chinese consider wood or bamboo fountains to be especially auspicious when placed in this area.

Goldfish. This is a great area to put an aquarium. Traditionally the Chinese place eight orange or yellow gold fish and one black goldfish in an aquarium to attract money. The number 8 represents prosperity in Feng Shui. The idea too is that if misfortune hits your family, then the ninth black goldfish will die and receive the misfortune instead of you. You can also buy the traditional Chinese poster of this image in Chinese specialty shops.

Eight Horses. This is an image of eight horses that can be purchased either a statue or as a poster that adds good chi to this sector. However please note the position of your front door when positioning this poster. Make sure that the direction the horses are running is INTO the house and not out the front or back doors! You can buy this statue in gold, red, green, crystal and orange. When placing it in the southwest, red, green, brass or gold are the best styles to choose.

Jewels. Treasure chests or displays of real or costume jewelry can help attract the chi of abundance to your southeastern prosperity sector.

Symbols of Luxury. This is the place-to-place photographs, fine art or statuary that represents the aspiration of "having it all." A toy model of a Porsche, an image of a country mansion or a photograph of a man standing at the highest mountain in the world are the kinds of images that you should consider putting in this corner.

Jade Plant. The Jade plant is the ultimate symbol of prosperity for the Chinese. It's flat round leaves and compact shape makes it the Asian equivalent of a money tree.

Fruit Trees. Small orange, lemon or lime trees also contain money-drawing properties and are ideal to place in this sector.

Things That Put You in the Poorhouse::

Clutter. The planet Venus rules prosperous energy. Venus won't enter a dirty home. Piles of junk serve as an obstacle so that positive energy cannot pool and accumulate in your space.

Leaks. If you have a kitchen or a bathroom with a leaky faucet in this area than the theory is that your money will also be leaking away.

Toilets. If you have a toilet in this area and there is nothing you can do about it, then make sure that you keep the lid closed at all times to keep your cash from being "flushed away."

Kitty litter boxes. Animal toilets have the same negative association as toilets -- especially if they smell bad.

Broken objects. The theory is that " If it's broke, you probably are too! "Remove anything that doesn't work including clocks that keep the wrong time, dead batteries and similar decrepit items from this area. Also replace any burnt out light bulbs, as it is essential that this area be well lit.

Dead or withering plants: Anything obviously decomposing is antithetical to the energy of prosperity and should be removed from this area.

Trash cans. Like the toilet, this item drains vital energy from the prosperity area.

Mages of Poverty or Want: Art that depicts objects or landscapes in a withering, rustic or decomposing state should not be displayed here. Also avoid placing photographs of yourself when you were going through a "broke phase" (such as when you were a student in college or just recently divorced) here. You might repeat the situation!


Samantha Steven's articles have been published in many high-standing newspapers and she has published several books. If you wish to buy Samantha's books about metaphysics click here http://www.insomniacpress.com/author.html?id=110 You can meet Samantha Stevens at http://www.psychicrealm.com where she works as a professional psychic. You can also read more of her articles at http://www.newagenotebook.com

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