Signs Along the Road to Achievement

One of the first things most of us remember hearing when learning to drive an automobile was "Keep your hands on the wheel." Then there were other precautions like, "Keep your eyes on the road, drive defensively, buckle up for safety, and watch the road signs!"

These basic precautions would keep us moving along safely and help us arrive at our intended destinations on time. Remembering these simple golden rules of safe driving can also help with the achievement of other important objectives.

1. Keep Your Hands on the Wheel

Winners spend the majority of their time doing things that bring them closer to their goals. They stay on the intended path because their "hands are on the wheel." They make the most of each minute by staying engaged in actions of high priority. They accept help from others. However, they take ultimate responsibility for guiding themselves to their destination.

2. Keep Your Eyes on the Road

Winners hold a clear view of what they want to achieve. By having a plan and keeping the outcome clearly in mind, they are less likely to become sidetracked and lured into actions that waste precious time. They rest occasionally, enjoying the scenery and excitement of the journey. Yet when in motion, they keep their eyes on the path ahead, focusing on the outcome they want to achieve.

3. Drive Defensively

Winners never ignore problems. They are flexible and know that they may have to apply the brakes, speed up, slow down, or take a detour now and then. They know that there will be obstacles at some point, "bumps and pot holes" to cross, and other moving vehicles to consider. They are prepared to act accordingly when unforeseen difficulties appear.

4. Buckle up for Safety

Even the safest drivers will occasionally have a fender bender or get side-swiped. However, winners won't let occasional accidents or setbacks deter them from moving ahead. When difficulties appear, they focus on finding creative solutions. They consider setbacks to be learning experiences. They wear a mental "seat belt" by having plans for these circumstances. They also take adequate measures to insure and protect the things they've worked to build. They assure future security for themselves and their loved ones.

5. Watch the Road Signs

"Load limit, falling rocks, go, stop, yield, curve ahead, caution, speed limit," or similar signs are familiar to almost everyone. Road signs also tell how close we are to our destination, when we need to change lanes, or make a turn. They tell when other vehicles may be merging into our lane. Winners pay attention to similar signs as they work to fulfill projects and goals.

Winners are not simply dreamers. They stay in touch with the reality of current circumstances to stay flexible and measure progress. By watching the signs, they can change course at the earliest possible moment if they have made a wrong turn. They use signs along the road to achievement as tools for life-long learning and improvement.

Before leaving the driveway, we always know our intended destination and reasons for going there. However, trouble can occur in other areas when trying to move toward a vague notion of "success" without knowing exactly where that is. Defining a clear destination and remembering these familiar driving precautions can help provide a safe and fulfilling journey to exciting new achievements.

© Copyright by Steve Brunkhorst. Reprinted form Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Get the next issue by visiting

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