7 Dynamic Strategies for Creating a Life that Works

Everyone wants a life that works effectively, whether that means harmonious relationships, a happy family life, a successful career, or the achievement of an important mission. People with successful lives take certain actions consistently.

These seven strategies can bring more success and satisfaction to your life. There is a question after each strategy to bring insights that apply specifically to you.

1. Follow the Rules

We may not always like the rules, but that does not make us an exception to following them. Rules lend order and organization to everything we do. When followed, they also bring peace and harmony to our relationships. When rules do not work, the successful person works to change them, not break them.

Where might you be overlooking the rules and sabotaging your peace of mind and chances for success?

2. Turn Rejections into Reflections

We cannot please everyone nor conduct our lives based on what others think of us. However, we can achieve our maximum potential. Rejections and failures are learning experiences. Reflect on your strengths and on the advantages in every situation.

Realize that you will experience resistance when you attempt to do great things. Allow rejections to fortify your resolve to become more skillful.

What will you do to focus on your desired outcomes regardless of the well-meaning opinions of other people?

3. Use Your Strengths to Outshine Your Best

Think creatively instead of competitively. Rather than comparing your weaknesses to another's strengths, look at your best performance to date. Think of new ways to out-distance yourself. Respect your uniqueness by focusing on new ways to use your gifts and talents. Set a new benchmark that is all yours.

What are your greatest strengths, and how can you fine tune your performance, attitudes, and beliefs to become even stronger?

4. Tell and Acknowledge the Truth

Truth is the foundation of integrity and character. It allows us the dignity to make mistakes, admit them, and apologize. The truth keeps us aware of our current abilities and brings a tremendous sense of freedom.

To get where we want to go, we also need to be honest about where we are now. Acknowledging the truth about what does not work allows us to begin doing what works.

What truths do you need to acknowledge that could bring more peace of mind and freedom to your life?

5. Set and Keep Boundaries

We need personal rules and limits for what we will expect and accept from others and ourselves. Boundaries are like compasses that help to guide our actions. They allow us to make decisions with confidence. They add integrity and consistency to our lives. Set firm boundaries that will guard you and guide your daily decisions.

What are the boundaries for each important area of your life?

6. Live with a Purpose in Mind

Living our unique purpose makes us feel joyfully alive. It allows us to envision and enthusiastically dedicate our time to worthwhile missions of our choosing. Living purposefully, we focus on our objectives with the resolve needed to finish what we start.

You already have a purpose. However, it is important to recognize it and keep it clearly in mind. Think about the things for which you would like future generations to remember you. Give yourself permission to embrace and achieve them. Become the master architect of your life and those things you will leave behind.

What is your action plan for fulfilling your life's purpose?

7. Balance the Roles You Play

Functioning well in our careers, families, and communities depends on allocating enough energy to each of these areas. To care for others, we need to keep ourselves fit mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Staying balanced keeps priorities in perspective and brings success and enjoyment to all the roles we play. Look at where you expend most of your energy now.

What are your most important priorities each day?

The Importance of Personal Responsibility

Woven throughout these actions is a theme of personal responsibility. People who live successfully do not shift the responsibility for their circumstances to other people. They accept ownership of their actions, consequences, and experiences.

Successful people are proactive. Instead of waiting for breaks, they make their own breaks. They identify and fine-tune their attitudes, beliefs, and actions. They search for ways to do more of what they enjoy. Proactive people meet challenges head on and affirm that they will achieve the desires of their heart.

Responsible individuals are life-long learners, always seeking to increase their skills. They welcome change, and they change with the times. They communicate with others clearly and live with a spirit of cooperation throughout the many changes life brings.

What personal challenges repeatedly hold you back? What are you willing to accept ownership of in order for your life to work?

A Call for Action and Commitment

Think of several ways you could apply each of these strategies. Reflect on each of the questions and write an answer for each one.

By doing so, you will begin to outline a strategic plan that belongs to you. Work your plan, and keep fine-tuning your actions to point toward the results you want to achieve. Commit to turning these actions into life-long habits beginning today. Imagine how attractive your life will be when you have designed it to work the way you want!

© Copyright by Steve Brunkhorst. Steve is a professional life success coach, motivational author, and the editor of Achieve! 60-Second Nuggets of Inspiration, a popular mini-zine bringing great stories, motivational nuggets, and inspiring thoughts to help you achieve more in your career and personal life. Get the next issue by visiting http://www.AchieveEzine.com

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