10 Principles of Success

How do we define success? Webster's dictionary defines success as " the attainment of wealth, favor , or eminence." I think we would agree that Webster's definition is quite accurate in terms of how we look at people that we perceive to be "successful".

I would like to expand on this thinking with the following 10 Principles of Success

1) Have a Dream- Create a vision for your future, no matter how big or outrageous your dream is.

2) Develop your Action Plan- Goal setting: Organize your thoughts and feelings on paper, when you do that they become more real. Tape these goals to bathroom mirror, or the refrigerator, somewhere you will see them on a daily basis.

3) Control your Focus- In this day and age of "multi-tasking" you may find this principle hard to follow. However, you must remain focused on your goals if you hope to attain success. Don't let yourself get distracted.

4) Seek Guidance- Finding a mentor is of the utmost importance! Find someone you respect and would like to learn from.

5) Practice Self-Discipline- There will be times when you will be tested, you need to stay on target, and re-focus on your goals.

6) Be Aggressive- I don't know of any successful people that sat around and waited for things to just happen! You need to make things happen, take the initiative and Go For it.

7) Believe in Yourself- If you don't who else will? Be confident in your abilities to turn things around when things don't look so good. Your attitude is a little thing that can make a big difference.

8) Be a Pioneer- You will undoubtedly run into people who will tell you "it can't be done" ignore them, if you have an idea that has not been tried before work to make it a reality. Every great achievement was once considered impossible.

9) Learn to Budget- Put your time, energy and money behind your plan, but do not forget to budget time for you family! They are the reason for your success.

10) Love what you Do- No matter what, you must love what you do in order to live a rich, healthy and successful life.

About The Author

Christian Csatari is an internet marketer and owner of http://www.inetriches.com a website specializing in multiple streams of income, affiliate programs, ebooks, income opportunities and the home business tips newsletter for the work at home professional.

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