Two Key Success Skills - Take Action Now And Be Bold Enough To Talk

I am writing this article to cement two key success skills in my own mind as well as yours. They are so important that they are worth thinking about every single day.

Mike Chen, the twenty year old internet guru, and Mark Joyner, his mentor both agree that the 'ability to take immediate powerful action' is more important than any other skill to achieve success on the internet.

They argue that it is better to have a mediocre plan today than a perfect plan tomorrow. Obviously a perfect plan will achieve more but too often people fail to act while they are busy thinking of the perfect plan or simply waiting for it to come to them.

People will often wait for the 'best' day to start taking action on some project or other. The best day is today. Give yourself permission to start today. You don't have to wait and if, for some good reason, you do have to wait, start taking action on something else while you are waiting. This will put you on the fast track to achieving your goals.

A poor plan executed fairly well is a success. All we need to do is act and not waste time worrying about whether we are doing the right thing.

Every moment you are thinking: "Are we doing the right thing?" you are not doing things and are not getting results. If you are not getting results (good or bad) you are going nowhere.

What if your plan does not work? You will be no worse off and you will, like Edison, have discovered another path to avoid. If, like Edison, you do not give up, you will eventually succeed.

Mark Joyner states (and I agree) that amazing things happen when you start taking action. "People and mighty forces will come to your aid."

You may be thinking: "It's too late; I should have taken action ten years ago." Mark suggests getting into your time machine and moving ten years into the future. In ten years time will you be looking back to today and wishing you had taken action today? You and I have another chance. Today can be the first day of the next ten action packed years.

Some people get pleasure from just thinking about doing something. How much more pleasure would they get if they added action to their dreams?

The whole world is full of dreamers who are always waiting for something to happen before they get started on that path to make things happen. If you wait for some one else to inspire you to start, you are putting your future in the hands of someone else. That is not a good idea. What if they don't arrive?

Many Jacobites waited wistfully for Bonnie Prince Charlie to return before they would take action. He never did. He was over the sea in France and never returned to claim his kingdom.

I am a classic 'wait till later' person. I even delay listening to audios that I know will teach me key skills. I fail to watch videos that will bring me success. That is why I need this article as much as any one else. Action can be something as simple as taking out a video about internet marketing or whatever and watching it carefully.

Another great success tip is this: "Be bold enough to talk to people - to network." Of course people may ignore you or even slap you in the face but if you talk boldly and with confidence that is unlikely.

You will feel good after you have spoken up. I remember years ago standing on a bench in the dinner hall of Pembroke College, Cambridge and suggesting to the amazed undergraduate diners that they take the words of Jesus about his second coming seriously. Some people did not like this but to my surprise, many did and I had a full house at my bible study group the following week.

More importantly, when I look back on my days at Cambridge, this one action is the one I am most glad I took. I have seldom felt so good.

If you are bold enough to risk rejection you will be able to network and leverage the skills and support of other people. Whatever happens, you will feel good about taking bold action.

Action must often take place in the face of criticism and negativity. Just don't quit and you will usually be proved right in the end.

So then, don't just sit there and wait for something good to happen. Take action and make it happen. Create your plan or system and start doing it and doing it until a better plan comes to mind.

Be bold and speak to people without fear. The worst they can do is say "No." You and I may be surprised by how often they will say "Yes."

About the author

John Watson is an award winning teacher and martial arts instructor. He has recently written two books about achieving your goals and dreams.

They can both be found on his website along with a daily motivational message.

The title of the first book is "36 Laws To Ignite Your Inner Power And Realize Your Dreams Now! - Acronyms, Stories, And Pictures...Easy To Remember And Use Everyday To Grab Your Life And Soar With The Eagles"

The book can be found at this URL:

The book uses acronyms, stories and pictures to help readers remember 36 laws that can gradually transform your life if you apply them.

You are welcome to publish the article above in your ezine or on your website so long as you do not alter it and keep in the words about the author and the 36 Laws.

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