How To Stop Having Problems

If you are like me you have probably lost a lot of sleep over the many problems that arise in your life. Sometimes, the problem seems too huge. I become immobilized by the fear. That leads to procrastination and guilt for my inactivity and Presto! My stress level goes through the roof.

Just thinking of the word "problem" is enough to raise my blood pressure.

That is the true power of words! What you put in your mind has an immediate effect on your metabolism. The mind and body are not opposites; they have always been inseparable parts of one amazing organism: You!

So, problems get in the way of positive constructive action.

Problems seem bigger than you. They can be ugly and mean and so distracting.

You could pass up wonderful opportunities to enjoy yourself because you are too wrapped up in your troubles. You may be living a dark future that probably won't happen. The present moments slip by unnoticed and that's not a good thing!

It's time to stop having problems. It's time to slay the Boogeyman under the bed! How do I do that?

Well, if you are willing to invest a little mental discipline, there is a very simple technique to follow.

Here it is:

Whenever you find yourself dwelling on some difficulty in your life, ask yourself: Is this a problem or a challenge? Make the right choice. Choose to view it as a challenge.

A challenge is like a contest or a test. It brings out your competitive nature, it inspires action and most importantly a challenge is a contest you can win!

A Problem is 800LB of emotional baggage.
A Challenge is an Opportunity to enrich your life.

Remember what I said about the mind/body connection? Which phrase makes you feel more uncomfortable: "serious money problems" or "financial challenges?"

Whenever you hit the next bump in the road you have a choice: Fill your self with needless stress and anxiety and welcome a new "problem" into your life, or you can say-"Yes! I accept the challenge. I accept the opportunity to improve myself, to strengthen my self-confidence, to grow from the experience and banish fears of unexpected change."

Life is change. Change can be awkward sometimes. We like to stay with the familiar by nature. When we resist life's changes we plant the seeds of problems. If we face our challenges we find fewer things to resist. We find ourselves in the "flow" of life and not caught up in a snag.

This one simple word swap has brought me a bucketful of peace of mind. I get stronger with every obstacle I surmount.

This might work for you, If you try. The question is: Are you up for a challenge?

-David Parton

Copyright 2005


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