Focus and Determination = Success


As you're building your business, you can choose to win or lose. No one sets out to lose, but they do, because they simply do not stick around long enough to win. Winning requires hard work and focus. Focus on what you need to get done and don't stop till you get there.

When you're first starting a business, it may seem like you're not getting anyplace or it's slow, but the best things usually follow the difficult times. You have to learn to FOCUS and stick with things.

Focus on how you CAN do something and not why you can't.

Can't NEVER did anything.

Ever met a person that tells you all the reasons why something WON'T work? That's why they are sitting in a dead end job. They don't know how to think out of the box, or run with something but then they don't want you to be successful since they can't.

If your friends are negative and whiny get some new friends. You become like those you hand around with so look at those friends. Do you want to be like them or would you rather be like those you admire and look up to.


All too often when the going gets rough, the weak give in and quit, and quitters never win and winners never quit. You can fail your way to the top if you just keep on going. Failures are simply temporary setbacks, however on the other hand if you let them defeat you, defeat is permanent.

We only go around once in life, so we want to make the most of it. If you learn to focus on where you want to be down the road, and blaze a trail, create a plan and work that plan you will arrive.

Talk to successful people not negative ones. Successful people have vision and focus. Negative people are fortunate if they can find their way to the refrigerator for another beer.


I like to think of building a business as a journey, like going on a trip. How far do you think you'd get if you jumped into your car to start across country, from Florida to Washington without a road map, compus, or even sense of direction.

You may think you want to go to Washington, but unless you have some sort of map, guidelines or some solid directions, you could be driving for years and not arrive. You need a plan,

a road map and real directions.


Why should a business be any different? If you do not have a solid plan and plan to work that plan, with drive and focus you'll be lost and forever wandering around wondering why you are not getting any place. You could go in circles for years.

Create that plan. Take all the shots, and go for it.

Remember you miss 100% of the shots you don't take, so SHOOT for goodness sakes. You also reap what you sow, but if you don't sow, how do you expect to grow?

Replace the "THINKING about it" with ACTION and get going. Don't stop and think of all the rules, and reasons or conditions of the field - Just PLAY.

If we lived in a perfect world and everything fit in perfectly challenges would not exist but then neither would the victories. Victory is sweet, but before you can win you have to play in the game.


Just buckle down and go to work and JUST DO IT.

What are you waiting for, FOCUS and go for it! I love watching people grow into great leaders, and it's fun when they realize they can succeed.

Success comes after hard work, but it's worth the effort. If you don't get started though, or learn to focus and keep your eye on the target, you'll be going in circles forever and ever.

Start today as tomorrow NEVER comes! Today is the only day you know you have. Go to work and focus.

Your FUTURE is waiting for you. It starts TODAY.

Diane "AKA MLMBlonde" Walker is a professional network marketer that has build her business using the power of the internet. She has also developed MULTIPLE income streams and is committed to helping others reach their dreams.

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