Relationships-- the Secret to Your Professional and Personal Success

The Hungry

In May of 2005 there were over 2 million searches made on the internet in reference to relationships. Over 49,000 searches have taken place on the net in one month for relationship advice. Almost 4000 of them were searching for help with a healthy relationship.

Over 38,000 were looking for a relationship on line because they were not getting it in their realm of life. This is all in one month. I could go on with the list.

The point is when over 2 million people search in one month's time for relationships we know that most people are not finding the fulfillment in their present relationships.

This unhappiness in relationships will definitely carry over on the job. If you are responsible for others in a home business or at the office, it is to your advantage to provide a means for them to learn how to develop healthy Relationships. If people are unfulfilled and unhappy that carries over in the quality of their work.

Getting the most for your money and time will include providing an environment for everyone to learn relationships skills. Relationship skills just happens to be a life skill that you take every where you go, whether it be at the office or home. Therefore, you are doing everyone a favor when you provide relationship training to your down line.

The Satisfied

There are 3 areas that satisfy the longing for meaningful relationships. Those who are healthy and fulfilled are those who have been enjoying relationships in all 3 areas.

The first is you. This is not some kind of psycho-babble talk, this is a plain fact. If you have insecurities, fears, deep imbedded scars that you have deliberately buried you are not being honest with who you are. Further, no matter what your back ground is you have one of the 4 personality types, a home based language, and a personal language that enables you to receive love your way.

If you do not know these basic human concepts you really don't even understand who you are, let alone others. Most people do not know their home based language, nor their "love language." A larger margin of folks will know about the 4 personality types, but many of them will admit that they don't which one is their type.

The second is others. Success demands building relationships that are strong, vibrant, healthy, and fulfilling with others. Granted not every relationship will take on the same meaning, but healthy relationships have a sparkle about them, regardless if it is on the professional level or personal.

The "Right Knowledge" enhances your personal growth and provides lasting relationships! Having a healthy relationship is not easy, but it is worth the effort. There is a very unique principle to follow in order to find meaningful and fulfilling relationships.

The Ancient writers new of the principle, but for the last couple of generations, at least, it seems that this principle was buried and forgotten. However, it is being uncovered and taught once again. This wisdom is bringing joy back into lives many.

The third is God. You are designed to have a relationship with God. This is your personal responsibility. Many neglect this relationship or leave it up to others to develop for them, which is absurd. Others can not develop a relationship with God for you. You must pursue this as any other relationship.

The Results

An atmosphere were people are having healthy relationships and are growing will, perhaps, exceed all expectations in regards to the joy and productivity of the staff or family members.

You just can not imagine the inner peace and security that is derived from vibrant relationships.

Is it possible to develop such relationships? Yes, if you know what principles to follow. If you learn how to use the principles, certainly it is possible. Just ask someone who is no longer hungry. She will tell you that you can be satisfied.

Besides it is a must for true success!

Copyright 2005 John Neyman Jr

Dr. John Neyman has been teaching every week for the last 21 years. He is the Founder of Dr. John writes weekly for his local newspaper and weekly tips for healthy relationships. Email him at: Or if you have a particular question you can ask it at:

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