Creating Success - A Balance of Thinking and Doing

Why is it that most people still equate being successful with having pots of money? Why attaining as much money as possible seems to be the Holy Grail of Western Society?

Whether you attain an excess of money just to keep it safe in a bank, or in a tin under the bed, sooner or later you will realize that it is just a 'medium of exchange'. We use it to buy the things that we want in life. So for this reason money is not a goal it is a means to a goal.

Okay nothing earth shattering in that statement, but the reason people strive to get as much of it as possible is simply for their security. People feel safe if they can protect themselves against the uncertainty of the future.

So how do you go about finding sufficient monies to cover uncertainties in the future, or to help attain our goals without going as far as Bill Gates, Donald Trump or the Sultan of Brunei? We all know that you can enjoy a very healthy life with far less money than this. But how?

There are those people who advise that 'positive thinking' will bring you the wealth that you want. There are also as many people that acquire wealth by aggressive means, by abusive techniques of 'rip them up and spit them out'. As well as a good honest days work.

Whatever category you place yourself in at the moment think about this. There are as many unhappy, cynical, skeptical millionaires as there are not so rich people, and just as many unhappy, skeptical poor people. So the attainment of money for it's own sake doesn't automatically bring fulfillment.

Money should be used as a tool to help you achieve your goals (and it's not the only tool either). So which way is the correct way?

The answer is that they are all correct in that they all use the same tools to reach the objective. Weather you are a highly motivated sales executive, or a visualization expert, or for that matter an extortionist, during your endeavors you will be using the same universal law of 'emotional attachment'.

If you go for the 'kill' in the way you achieve your goals, or if you visualize your goals you will, rightly or wrongly, feel an emotion of happiness, fulfillment, excitement, etc either, before, during, or after the event.

If you look back at the events in your life, if you recall some of your favorite, and not so favorite, memories you will realize that you remember those memories in direct proportion to the strength of the emotion attached to them.

The bigger the joy/disaster the bigger the emotion attached to it. Even the small things in life like a good book, a movie, taxes, an argument with a loved one, will all provoke an emotional response.

So can we deduce from these findings that it is not necessarily the way you go about acquiring the things you want, or the goals that you have set yourself, but the strength of the emotion you attach to your goal?

Well, Yes and No!

Yes you need emotions attached to your goals, but you need to attach the good ones.

No because emotions alone will not get the job done.

The other question that this line of thinking brings is: How can you have an emotional attachment to something that hasn't yet happened?

This is where the thinking comes in, you have to think about your goal before it can happen. This is true for everything in our lives, from making a pot of coffee to planning a holiday, even you were just a 'twinkle in your Fathers eye' (a thought) before you came into existence.

I would go as far as saying that thought is the only creator. If you get the thinking right then everything else will fall into place. The Doing will always follow the thinking. The Thinking is empowered by attaching emotions. The Emotions give thoughts credibility.

A balance of all these can bring you all that you want in life.

Now that you know how important thinking is in relation to everything that you do, you must get this right for everything else in your life to work correctly. This is a fundamental law of life; this is why so many people go through their lives always wanting and needing, but never achieving. They get their thoughts all mixed up.

If you ignore how to control these principles everything else turns to 'chance', even people who start correctly can be led astray of their goals, by harboring the wrong thoughts. It's never going to work! I don't deserve this! It's not my fate to be successful!

What these 3 thoughts and all the other similar thoughts are doing is slowly changing your mind. The type of person that thinks like this is the type that thinks others are luckier than they are. NOT SO.

I believe it was Jack Nicholson the golfing icon that gave the reply to an offensive reporter who quipped, "That was a lucky shot". The reply came back swiftly "Yes! It seems the more I practice the luckier I get"

There is no such thing as luck, just practice of the principle of thinking it through.

Learn how to think it through and achieve what you want in life. Edison Fullbrook has details of how. Visit the Website:

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