The Lazy Mans Way To Riches

The title of this article also happens to be the title of one of the greatest ads of all time, written by a man named Joe Karbo.

Joe was was one of the foremost copy-writers, headline writers and direct response experts of all time.

Joe established precedents, and built the foundation for today's direct response industry--becoming a self made millionaire in the process.

Joe's ads for the "Lazy Man" ran for years in every major newspaper and magazine in the United States... and most large foreign papers as well. The ads themselves became famous. The ads were...and still are studied, examined, dissected, and used as models for direct response marketing and selling throughout the world.

He reveals all of his secrets in "The Lazy Man's Way To Riches," a classic book that is Joe's philosophy on life and how to live it richly, successfully, lovingly, joyously and... lazily.

"The Lazy Man's Way To Riches," is the largest selling...self published book in the world...NEVER in a bookstore...

There's only one problem. There's no such thing as a "lazy man's way to riches!" Yes, the book itself does exist. And it was a runaway success. However, short of winning the lottery or inheriting a fortune, there is no such thing as a lazy man's way to riches!

All of the successful people I know are far from lazy. In fact, some of the most successful people I know work the longest hours.

Take me for instance. Most mornings I get up at six o'clock, because I can't wait to get started. And most nights, I don't get offline until around 10 or 11:00.

Now by my calculations, those are 16 or 17 hour hour work days. But it doesn't seem like work to me at all, because I'm doing what I love. And that's the whole point! I'm not putting in those hours because I have to, I'm doing it because I want to.

Why? Because I live by a certain philosophy which is:

"Any success you achieve will be in direct proportion to your desire and determination. The more desire and determination you have, the greater will be your success."

The above philosophy (which I coined, by the way), keeps me focused and hungry. Oh sure, I could work an hour or two on my computer every day and goof off the rest of the time. And do you know what would happen to my earnings? They would plummet--as would the earnings of most of my collegues, if they started playing more than working.

Don't get me wrong. I still enjoy life. I take vacations twice a year. I drive a nice luxury car. I have a beautiful home.

But I did not get those things from being lazy. And the majority of successful people did not get to the top by being lazy either.

So contrary to popular belief, you can get rich, but you do have to work at it!

About The Author

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto:


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