You are the President of Your Own Nation

Congratulations! You are the president of your own nation, and it is called "Imagination". This particular nation is the driving force behind your life and is the underlying factor for your future. You need to realize that you have an enormous responsibility as the President of this Nation, because you need to always focus on the future and strive to have the ultimate nation. You need to internalize the power you have as the President of your own nation. Among many things that you have is the power to choose and/or consider. You are the one who holds the votes on who is allowed to live in your nation!

As I have written about in the past, you must create and begin to maximize your mastermind team. This team will empower you to build an unreal imagination and make others wonder why you are achieving such an awesome level of success. As the President, you will inspire others to create other phenomenal imaginations of their own. The world needs many people who are proud of their own "Imagination".

Each of us has the ability to imagine such powerful dreams for our future, which can change the destiny of millions of people. Let's think about a few people who had unreal imaginations -- Henry Ford imagined an 8-cylinder car and then achieved it. The Wright Brothers imagined men could fly and then discovered a way to make that possible. John F. Kennedy said that we would have a man on the moon and then achieved it. Ask yourself right now, "Where did they all dream of those achievements first?" The answer to that question is...They did their dreaming in their own nation called Imagination!

You need to take some personal time and evaluate how you are handling your nation. Are you proud of what you are imagining you can be or what you can do? If you answer that question truthfully, you will either be enthused or disillusioned. You truly need to re-examine your nation. I suggest that you brainstorm, which means to take some time for yourself and just write down all the dreams that you have but never even wrote down. I also recommend that you write down 100 of them and then put them away for 2 days so that they can sink in a little. When you go back and read them, your inner spirit will direct you to the one that you need to focus on and begin to design with your own "Imagination". Each of us is empowered to create wealth for ourselves in every aspect of life -- spiritually, physically, and financially!

I challenge you right now to utilize your God-given imagination and imagine whatever you want to be then you will empowered to run your nation in the most productive methods possible. This alone will entirely change your life for the better, because now you have a responsibility as a President of a nation - your "Imagination".

Find Your WHY and FLY!

As a young child, John Di Lemme was clinically diagnosed as a stutterer and told that he would never speak fluently. Today, John has achieved great success as an international motivational speaker, accomplished author and multi-million dollar entrepreneur. John shocks millions globally by exposing the truth about how to achieve monumental life success despite the labels that society has placed on you. Through his award winning live seminars, power-packed training programs, live tele-classes, and weekly ezine, John Di Lemme has made success a reality for thousands worldwide. visit and discover how you can finally create monumental success in your life today and achieve all your goals, dreams and desires.

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