Chinese Gooseberries and Oprah?

Oprah and Harpo Productions, consistently reap awe-inspiring progress and record-breaking profits even after 25 years. While Oprah consistently soars with stellar growth, the rest of the industry seems to stumble, tumble or even disappear. So, just what is it about Oprah that has her consistently reaping hilacious growth for more than two decades and still remain fresh and vivacious as ever? Oprah Winfrey has reinvented herself so smoothly, so successfully and with such precision, very few have consciously noticed! I believe Oprah is aware of the fact that annuals are-by nature-dormant for seasons at a time. She innovatively capitalizes on this truth and remains a "perennial classic."

You Grow, Girl! Oprah consistently manifests phenomenal growth professionally, intellectually, spiritually, financially and socially every "season" of her year. Whereas others, seem content to rely primarily on the harvest of their "falls." Oprah is not only acutely aware of her environment, but she plans (and plants) so well, so meticulously ... she evens reaps harvests during her "winters!"

What's Inside Really Never Changes! Chinese gooseberries didn't sell well at all until they were renamed, Kiwi fruit. Seemingly overnight, this humble, quaint-looking, fuzzy fruit was "reinvented" into an exotic, all-of-a-sudden-much-desired, green intricacy. The "Queen of Personality" went from "The Oprah Winfrey Show," to "Oprah!" and now owns O! magazine. Her reinventions are powerful, yet short and simple. But her core and all that's inside, has never been compromised. The Key to Reinvention is Real Simple. Keep it short; but powerful! Even Einstein kept it down to:E= mc2 (yet he reinvented and rocked the science world). Tend to Your Garden; But Don't Pull Up All the Roots! Don't limit yourself to just replanting your life. Learn how to identify which sections need to be up-rooted; which sections need to be cultivated and which sections need to be left alone.

Now, while you're reading this, Oprah is hard at work cultivating her next "row." Isn't it time you got busy, too?

Fran Briggs is the founder of The Fran Briggs Companies and is "a motivational speaker of the inspirational kind." She is the author of several articles, manuals and books including her latest, Seeds for Success. This prominent voice of motivation speaks to audiences of children and adults of all ages and backgrounds with the aim of inspiring them to their respective levels of greatness. Contact Fran and sign up for your free successzine newsletter.

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