Set Your Mind For Success

Did you know you can literally program your mind so your thoughts will move you toward success naturally? Think about it. Through repetition you learned what you know now whether positive or negative. It only makes sense that through repetition you can intentionally learn anything.

Most of our lives are spent learning almost by accident. The exciting thing about childhood is that discovery is the main source of knowledge. The exciting thing about adulthood is that we can learn on purpose, intentionally.

Remember how teachers used to have students write a sentence 100 times to keep them from breaking a rule again? I remember writing "I will not chew gum in school" 100 times one year. I took the punishment on as a challenge to see how many times I could write the sentence per notebook paper line across and then how many between lines. I found I could get five rows between the lines and five columns across. Once I completed the punishment, I really did quit chewing gum in school. I did not want to take a chance on having to spend so much of my time writing the sentence again. The challenge of it was over.

What does this have to do with your success? You can do the same thing to set your mind toward anything you want to quit or anything you want to accomplish. What is known about this technique now can advance you forward in simple or complex goals.

The thing is, before you will be able to program yourself for a complex goal, you will need to write out a powerful statement that is void of all negative self-talk. There are special techniques for getting your statement clear, succinct and without the bad self-talk "trigger." As you read the statement, your subconscious mind must agree it's possible for the technique to work. Otherwise, as you read, your "little voice" in your head will keep putting out the negative self talk.

This technique is somewhat similar to the affirmation techniques you may have heard about in the past. Yet this way of writing your mental program goes deeper and is more specific than the traditional affirmations you may be accustomed to.

The technique I am describing is called Cybernetic Transposition. I invite you to give it a try.

Using this technique, I created a mental statement in December, 2004 to keep me focused on my goals in spite of family and friends and my desire to be with them. I was sabotaging my ultimate financial freedom goals and using my family and friends as my excuse. My ultimate goal was to create wealth that would actually give me the freedom to spend more time with my family and friends. As a result of applying the technique I have mentioned here, I was able to eliminate the constant struggle my "little voice" self-talk was creating and broke through that constant tugging. As a result, I am now well on the path to achieving my goals and I notice my family members are also more focused in the direction of their ultimate goals and dreams.

Set your mind and enjoy the process!

Juanita Bellavance, the author of this article can be contacted at

Stuart Lichtman, author of How To Get Lots of Money for Anything - Fast is a master coach and trainer of the Cybernetic Transposition technique. He has impacted hundreds of people to stop self-sabotage and reach their dreams. Find out more about this amazing process at

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