Success - Overcoming Bodily Conditions Which Seem Impossible of Change

Conditions differ from circumstances. Circumstances are changeable conditions which merely "stand around about you," and, of them, have no stability. They are created by man, and can be overcome by man.

But, differing from circumstances, there are certain conditions which seem to be so "fixed" that they obstruct your progress toward success. They are of two kinds: undesirable facial features, and malformations of the body. They are often so fixed that it seems impossible to change them.

Yet, the limitations of all such conditions can be overcome! It has been done hundreds of times, and that which has been done, can be done!

Of course, you cannot change your height from four feet eight inches to six feet two inches, but in all dealings with others, you can overcome the limitations which you think are due to a stature of four feet eight inches! You can carry yourself in such a way that others will think of you as a king. Napoleon, though short of stature, made himself the commanding figure among all classes and manner of men, merely by the way he carried himself. He did not increase his stature, but he overcame its limitations.

Whether or not you succeed in overcoming conditions, which it seems impossible for you to change, depends on your vision of the powers of your soul, on your faith in its possibilities, and on your use of expression as the means of overcoming the limitations. If your ideal of the possibilities and powers of your real self is limited, then you hinder yourself in climbing out from under the conditions. But, if you realize that your soul is infinite, and that its possibilities of expression are limitless; then, no matter what the partial manifestation, no matter what the restricting condition, no matter what the limitation-you can climb out from under it, by changing your expression!

In essence, your soul is perfect-embracing all possibilities and all powers.

In manifestation, you limit yourself by limiting your expression.

You can change your expression!

You can change your body!

But, to change the bodily form, you must change its expression first!

If you are locked in a room, with the key on the inside of the door, on your side, you will fail to get out-no matter how much you butt your head against the door-unless you first turn the key to unlock the door.

But, it is easy to succeed in getting out of the room, if you turn the key in the lock first, and then open the door.

If you have failed to climb out from under the limitations of bodily conditions, it is because you have been attempting to batter down the form of the limitations without first changing its expression. To succeed means "to climb out from under." It does not mean to batter down, to smash, or to '' reduce to nothingness.''

You can always change the expression of any form of life.

And, changing its expression will change its form.

Soul expression is soul-in-action.

Activity comes first!

Every soul loves the beauty of activity more than it loves beauty of form; for, in active expression, there is a beauty which has a greater and stronger appeal than the beauty of form.

Do you not prefer the living, romping, active, companionable dog-even though he may not be perfect in form-to the most perfect clay model of a dog any artist ever designed?

As a mother, do you not prefer the active, living child-even if its nose is not perfect- to the most beautifully formed and perfectly featured doll in the world?

And, young man, do you not prefer the living, loving, joyously expressive maid, to the perfect wax figure in the department store window?

It is beauty of expression which we most love! It is beauty of expression which attracts others most!

Find the rest of the story at

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