The #1 Secret of Success

Today I am going to tell you the #1 secret to success in life, business & all that you do. If you apply this secret wholeheartedly I guarantee that your life will change for the better.

The #1 secret to being successful in everything that you do is not really a secret at all. In fact I'm betting that you already know this secret.

So the second biggest secret to being successful in life is to use the first secret, which isn't a secret at all.

And the secret is

Which all means the same thing.

Whenever possible help other people. Help without being asked and help without keeping a tally.

Let me just explain a bit further on that last bit. If you spend your life keeping count of who you helped and who has helped you & fretting about those you helped that haven't helped you back yet. Your head will hurt most of the time.

You must give without expecting anything in return. The benefit to you is in the giving. The best way to give is anonymously that way you have already let go because that person can't give back because they don't know who you are.

The most successful people in the world today know that what you give away comes back to you ten fold.

Zig Ziglar said, "You can get everything in life you want - if you help enough other people get what they want."

Brian Tracy put it this way 'Successful people are always looking for opportunities to help others. Unsuccessful people are always asking, "What's in it for me?"'

So the question has to be are you giving? Are you giving what you want in return which boils down to the old phrase do unto others as you would be done unto yourself.

What this means is offering to help people, don't wait to be asked, people don't ask for what they want. Always be on the lookout for people you can help, for little things that you can do that might mean big things to others.

For example, when you're browsing your favorite forums if you see a question that you know the answer to, take a minute to answer it. That minute of your time may be worth hours & dollars to somebody else. So potentially two or three minutes of your time saves somebody else hours of time. Don't think somebody else will answer, be the one. Sow some seeds of goodness.

It's taken me a long long time to realise that the most successful people that I know are people that will help everyone and anyone. The people that when they see you struggling with something will jump in and do it for you. These same people, because they help everyone, also know everyone so they always know somebody that will help with your problem even if they can't fix it themselves. These people give without the expectation of reward. These people give without keeping a tally of favors given and returned. These people are happier because happiness comes from giving. When you make somebody else happy by helping with a problem you become happy. If you give happiness you get happiness.

And if we all did this the world would be a better place.

So your prescription to lifelong happiness & success is:-

Let me finish of this valuable lesson with a few more quotes from people who knew & used this secret

'The more credit you give away, the more will come back to you. The more you help others, the more they will want to help you.'
Brian Tracy

'The return we reap from generous actions is not always evident.'
Francesco Guicciardini 1483 - 1540

'We should give as we would receive, cheerfully, quickly, and without hesitation; for there is no grace in a benefit that sticks to the fingers.'
Lucius Annaeus Seneca 5BC - 65AD

'Getting people to like you is merely the other side of liking them.'
Norman Vincent Peale 1898 - 1993

'You give before you get'
Napolean Hill 1883 - 1970

Copyright 2004 Darren Power

About The Author

Darren Power is the author of The Money Seed your step by step guide to online business success. ( For additional free resources related to this article please visit

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