How To Begin Your Journey To Success

Becoming successful requires a lifestyle change. It requires that you know where you are going, where you want to be, but most importantly, it requires that you know how you will get there!

Before you begin your journey to success, ask yourself these questions...

What do I want in life?

What do I want from my business?

What is my objective?

What am I here for?

Where do I want my business to be in 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years?

Once you have answered these questions write them down as if you have already accomplished your goal.

Start in this manner.

Figure out where you want your life to be 5 years from now. Don't hold back, this is the part where you figure out what your dreams are, what your ultimate goal is. To clearly understand this point we are going to use a real life story of how someone can accomplished his/her dreams.

Let's take Adrian's 5 year dream for example, and let's help him figure out how he can accomplish his dreams.

Adrian was born in Brazil on September 14, 1973.

Adrian is 30 years old, he has never finished high school, and is now living in South Carolina, United States. He works at the Coca-Cola factory and makes $19,000 a year.

Adrian has always had big dreams, and wants something better for his life, he wants to have a 6 figure income, and he knows that working at a factory is just not going to cut it.

He wants a big house ( $200,000 )

A swimming pool in his back yard. ( part of the house )

A brand new Cadillac Escalade ( $80,000 )

He wants to visit his home land ( $25,000 )

He wants to get married to his fiancée, and have a big wedding, they have been engaged for 3 years and Adrian has not been able to afford a big wedding. ( $25,000 )

Realistically speaking, there's no possible way that Adrian can afford to accomplish his dreams within 5 years, because in 5 years he will have only made $95,000.

In order to achieve his goals he requires an additional $235,000, which would in turn require an additional 12 years working at the factory, not to mention his daily, and monthly expenses like Rent, Food, Bills, etc.

Adrian, the optimist that he is doesn't allow the fact that he needs an additional $235,000 minimum to stop him from accomplishing his dreams. Adrian has a vision -- Let's fast forward for a second, shall we... The date is March 7th, 2008.

Adrian just came back with his wife from vacation, where they were visiting Brazil for 1 full year.

As they arrive at their house, they see their Cadillac Escalade, and their 2007 BMW parked in their driveway. They are tired from the long flight and decide to go relax in their Jacuzzi found in their back yard. The Jacuzzi is just a few feet away from their swimming pool.

As you have guessed it, Adrian no longer works at the Coca Cola factory, because if he did he wouldn't have over 1 Million dollars in his bank account.

Most importantly, Adrian is happy to be alive and well as he now enjoys a luxurious lifestyle.

Adrian has accomplished his goals and dreams, and is now living the life that he deserves, the life he has always wanted.

Life is Good!

Adrian knew that before he could accomplish his dreams, he had to have a clear vision of where he wanted to be, and who he wanted to become.

Adrian knew that his job at the factory was not going to cut it, and was not going to provide the type of income that he deserved, therefore he began to research elsewhere.

Adrian began researching the Internet in hopes of starting his own business.

Since Adrian didn't have much time to design his own products, nor the resources to start up a company from scratch. He began researching for companies that could help him generate extra income.

After failing over and over again, he stumbled upon a site that was going to help him create guaranteed monthly income. Since Adrian was new to the Internet he didn't know much marketing strategies, nor did he have any know how on where to begin. He than began to learn, follow, and apply the marketing strategies found in the company's marketing plan.

Over the next few months Adrian began creating a healthy secondary income, and eventually he managed to quit his job at the Coca Cola factory and was on track to accomplishing his dreams. The dreams he always wanted for himself.

Within 5 years, Adrian made over 10 times the amount of money he thought he needed to accomplish his dreams.

Congratulations Adrian!

How did he accomplish this?

Adrian began learning everything he could about his company's marketing plan. When he realized that this company could realistically help him accomplish his dream, he began applying his newly acquired knowledge.

Adrian had big dreams in mind, and therefore he had to go the extra mile in order to make sure they came true. He started designing a plan that was going to help him attain his long term dream.

The plan included short term goals, as well as daily goals to accomplish each and every day.

The key to Adrian's success was learning and applying his newly acquired knowledge, as well as accomplishing his daily goals.

Adrian's Plan:

Learn how to promote his business on the Internet

Learn how others have succeeded, and model after their success

*Apply what he learned *

Never Give Up!

Write a daily to do list

Design Short Term Goals

Design 1 Month Goals

Design 1 Year Goals

Design 2 Year Goals

Design 5 Year Goals

Accomplish what is found on his daily To-Do list

Accomplish his 1 Month Goals

Accomplish his 1 Year Goals

Accomplish his 2 Year Goals

Accomplish his 5 Year Goals

Accomplishing the above was the basis of how Adrian's dreams were accomplished.

After Adrian accomplished each small step, he knew that he was one step closer to his long term dream.

Adrian encountered a lot of obstacles along the way, and he never gave up. In the back of his mind he knew that one day he was going to have a big house, a brand new car, and would visit his homeland.

Regardless of what obstacles Adrian faced along the way, HE NEVER GAVE UP!

Adrian learned that the difference between those who make a 6 - 7 Figure income, and those who barely make a 5 Figure income, was that those who give up never succeed, and those who succeed never give up!

What can you learn from Adrian?

You decide!

Dave Origano is a 24 year old entrepeneur that succeeded in the online world in merely 3 years. With the right mindsetting he growed his wealth with millions. Want to own the techniques that he used to create these millions of dollars:

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